The Things Network

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View from the antenna installation on the roof of Hebble End mill.

The Things Network Calderdale

Bridge Rectifier hosts a LoRaWAN gateway as part of The Things Network Calderdale, providing a free and open data network for connected / Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Our initial priority is to use this to support a crowdsourced network of river and moisture level sensors, that may help in providing improved warning and/or understanding of flooding. Other potential uses being considered include monitoring air quality.


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A gateway has been constructed from an IMST iC880A SPI LoRaWAN concentrator plus a Raspberry Pi 2 Model B. This is operating on the 868MHz band and running an instance of the poly_pkt_fwd software.

The gateway EUI is: FFFEB827EB80853B.

Device addresses

We have a block of 255 addresses registered in the temporary TTN address space: 02:E0:04:xx.


Members can edit this page and select the next available address.

Address Identifier Description Added by

Where identifier is a hostname, serial number or other similar short form ID.

Note that non-members and those who require a larger number of device addresses should register their own block with TTN.